We’ve scene some really stunt-tastic sh*t in our time, but the recently released Just Cause 3 reveal gameplay trailer pushes the limits way the hell up.
The first trailer may wanted you to get your pyromania on, but this recent Just Cause 3 gameplay trailer wants you to defy death in the coolest ways possible.
For one, how do you feel about air-jacking a jet, or parachuting out of an aircraft seconds before it hits the ground in a mushroom explosion, or maybe freefalling through the air strapped only with an RPG or assault rifle? We from what we can tell seeing in the trailer, you are in for a treat. The trailer features actual gameplay, here’s to some awesome, death-defying stunts.
Description reads:
Wingsuit, Grapple Hook, Massive Explosions: The first Just Cause 3 Gameplay trailer takes you straight into the intense action. Watch Rico Rodriguez cause chaos to the regime of the ruthless dictator General Di Ravello, and stopping at nothing to liberate Medici, his home.
Check out the trailer for Just Cause 3 in the player below:
Fans who also preorder get some cool new toys by way of weaponised vehicles via DLC.
Just Cause 3 launches on PS4, Xbox One and PC late 2015