Seldom do you find webcomics that are visually engaging, which is understandable considering the nature of comics rendered for free for the web. But we came across Chris Callahan and TurtleBunny Productions The Misplaced and we were truly entrigued.

Firstly the aesthetics are beautifully rendered, with great textures and use of an almost monochrome palette, it details the story of a wayward, exiled soul losing passion for his life in paradise. The deconstructive idea that ones love and passion comes from a place of struggle is something that seems to be a main them in the comic. Well that’s our interpretation anyway, as the story gets update every Thursday. In any case the art is great and the literature engrossing. And you should certainly check it out here. And the role of kindred spirit Anna is something we can look forward to too. We’ll be on the lookout for updates on this.
So what do you guys think of “The Misplaced”? The comment section wants to be touched down there