The John Ridley mystery Marvel series for ABC we have been hearing about may be one of Marvel’s greater undertakings in terms of representation, both is sense of gender and race. Hell, even age.
It turns out that the next Marvel franchise to get the series treat via Ridley is Ms. Marvel. The G. Willow Wilson-Adrian Alphona Ms. Marvel centres around Pakistani American teen Kamala Khan, who adopts the mantle from the original Ms Marvel aka her idol Carol Danvers. If this series will somehow act as part of the universe for the coming Ms. Marvel film in cinemas is yet to be seen, but likely it will exist by itself, with maybe little to no reference to the origins of her hero name coming from her idol Carol Danvers
Unlike many heroes too, she doesn’t some overly tragic origin story. Quite the contrary, her upbringing is relatively incident free. Her urge to become a hero is born intrinsically out of the desire to do good and help others. Quite zen actually. No information on actual narratives, but we hope it adds new experiences and viewpoints otherwise ignored by Hollywood, including the treatment of society’s “others”.
We for one can’t wait for ABC and Marvel come up with.