Dragon Ball Z: Butōden, the 2D fighting game has been announced to make the journy on to the 3DS. Bandai Namco Games’ Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butōden will have a whole array of playable characters, over 100 in fact, where gamers can go head-to-head in team battles or one-vs-one.
Game features include the “Ultimate Arts” finishing moves as well as “Z Assist” which gives characters like Chi Chi the ability to fill your screen with a big bubble of ranting. Like that ever helped anyone, Chi Chi.
Dragon Ball Kai: Ultimate Butōden ran on the Nintendo DS in 2011, and with franchise debuting with Dragon Ball Z: Super Butōden back in 1993.
Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butōden is slated for release on the Nintendo 3DS come Summer 2015