Logan may have aired several months ago and arguably stole the show in 2017 as the best Wolverine film after a mediocre trilogy run, but it...
An end to a speckled era. 20th Century Fox’s run of the X-Men / Marvel franchise has been a hit and a miss in a few...
As the sun sets on the Hugh Jackman / Wolverine legacy, a new poster for the adult Logan has surfaced for its IMAX outing. And when...
Wolverine has always been the character that made me doubt whether being able to live foran eternity would be a desireable thing. Especially on this planet...
20th Century Fox’s Logan has dropped a second trailer for the last Wolverine film and it packs a wallop for sure. We also get to see...
New images from the 20th Century Fox / Marvel film Logan has been released, with another look at Hugh Jackman as Wolverine, Patrick Stewart‘s Professor Xavier...
The Logan trailer, which felt on so many levels more mature than all its predeecessors combined, teased one thing that had Marvel fans elated: the introduction...
We are getting closer to seeing Old Man Logan on screen more now than ever. But something tells me the introduction of X-23 is going to...
The wait finally comes to an end as 20th Century Fox releases their Marvel franchise film X-Men Apocalypse. The story spans across an occult history of...
Course you definitely should have gotten wind the boss renders of Marvel / Hip-Hop variant covers that took inspiration from classic hip-hop album covers recently. Well...