Ghost In The Shell has – for the most part – inspired many a sci-fi films in both Japan and Hollywood and is virtually renowned for...
Ghost In The Shell follows up their cyber terrorist, certified keyboard warrior Kuze with an intense poster of the enigmatic character played by Michael Pitt. Check...
Cyber Terrorism never looked cooler than in the new promo for Ghost In The Shell. And to think the anime that inspired the film was made...
Paramount Pictures unleashes another trailer for the coming Ghost In The Shell movie. And despite all the controversy attached to this film, alleviated somewhat by their...
Super Bowl’s been all the craze and Paramounts Ghost In The Shell has shovelled itself to fuel the hype with their Big Game Spot. And we...
A few teasers have speckled the internet from the Paramount Pictures camp for the Ghost In The Shell movie, the latest being the reimagining of the...
Paramount Pictures adds fuel to the teaser trailer fire by unleashing a new teaser from Ghost In The Shell movie that gives us a beautiful taste...
Ghost In The Shell the movie starring Scarlett Johansson has unleashed several visual teasers for the film. The film is an adaptation of the infamous anime...