The coming DC Film The Batman seems to be adopting the theme of dichotomy, as director Matt Reeves claims the film is inspired by a Jekyll...
Spider-Man: Homecoming was a hit and run for the Marvel / Sony team, especially considering Sony’s renewed push with their Spider-Man film franchise with the likes...
Charlie Cox, the actor who plays Daredevil / Matt Murdock recently divulged some news on the Netflix and Marvel show. It seems filming for the new...
Suicide Squad‘s director David Ayer pulled an Assange on Twitter and wikileaks the coming of ARGUS, the nefarious government agency based in the DC Comics universe...
WB Pictures reveals the character Willem Dafoe is set to play come Justice League. Dafoe is set to play an Atlantean ally name Vulko in the...
Looks like Zack Snyder is rummaging through the old Spider-Man / Marvel cast for actors come Justice League. Willem Dafoe joins J.K. Simmons to star in...
It looks like Fox has vamped up the production date of it’s Marvel franchise film Gambit to begin filming in New Orleans this March, according to...
Fantastic Four have upped the anti, amidst all the so-called ‘Controversy’, and released the official image of Benjamin Grimm aka The Thing, portrayed by actor Jamie...
As you know production on Fox (+ Marvel’s) Deadpool is well underway, and it seems Ryan Reynolds have already taken part in the first photoshoot for...
The universe is a vast, sprawling space where suns bigger than our galaxy exist. So it’s not hard to fathom it all ending in a horrific...