Middle-earth: Shadow Of War introduces a new Orc Tribe that is versed in the age-old art of dismemberment, chaos and on mass violence – the Warmonger...
The Shadow of War game shows cinematic prowess in its latest interactive trailer, which sets the stage of an all-spanning war that engulfs the wicked and...
WB Games’ Shadow Of War ups the ante by adding another orc tribe to the ever-growing bands of monstrosities in Middle-Earth, but this particular tribe is...
Shadow Of War are straight up aiming for tribal war with the introduction of two new tribes that you’ll come across in gameplay – the Dark...
Middle-earth: Shadow Of War gives us another promo that reminds all the war-bred that the fires of war are where the fighting spirit is forged. And...
WB Games has revealed a new video for Middle-earth: Shadow Of War that looks to strike terror into the heart of all opposition. And it is...
WB Games has unveiled the coming Shadow Of War game will exist beyond the consoles, but also on mobile, including the iPhone and Android. Description reads:...
Middle-earth: Shadow Of War unleash a reveal trailer at SDCC of Shelob, one of the most prolific villains of Middle-Earth, and when power and seduction intertwine,...
Middle-earth: Shadow of War takes to the interweb to release their Nemesis Forge Trailer which brings back a fan-favorite ability to form compelling narratives and backstories...
Middle-earth: Shadow of War unleash their story trailer and pleasantly surprising we seem to be en route to a cinematic experience with awesome visuals and game...