Frank Castle’s debut in Daredevil Season 2 left many pleased with the rage filled, blood-soaked, vengeful militaristic vigilante that is The Punisher. The dichotomy of the...
While our late coming #ThePunisher review will lift its head around the end of this week, news comes that fast on the boot heels of a...
The Punisher gears up for its Netflix premiere with another promo spot, and Frank Castle should know more than anyone that the blows from within hit...
A new clip from the forthcoming Marvel and Netflix cinematic voyage – The Punisher – has Jon Bernthal’s Frank Castle giving the ol’ white knuckle to...
Marvel + Netflix has been keeping the premiere date of the coming The Punisher series under wraps for a while to the point those glitch graphics...
The Punisher is coming for the truth in the latest posters for the coming Netflix/Marvel series. The Marvel Knight posters follow the recently released teaser poster...
The Punisher debuted its official trailer this week complete with heavy artillery and heavy metal from Metallica. Now we get some new images from the coming...
The wait is over. The one-man war on crime is locked and stocked and loaded with the type of firepower that coups are started with. Marvel...
The vigilante Frank Castle takes no prisoners in the newly released teaser promo for Netflix’s The Punisher. And if you thought you’ve seen the most vicious...
Netflix + Marvel follows up The Punisher promo with a new poster and stills from the coming series. And it seems Frank Castle’s search to uncover...