As Marvel + ABC gears up to premiere the Inhumans series, the team has released the new logo for the TV series. The Inhumans series is...
With a promotion machine that lacked the vigour displayed with Daredevil, Jessica Jones and Luke Cage, Iron Fist explodes into the zeitgeist of Marvel + Netflix’s...
It looks like ABC + Marvel are looking to strengthen their relationship, with a new series that will hopefully prove stronger than their current run with...
Like making Netflix go down for 3 hours with the sheer awesomeness that is Luke Cage’s premiere wasn’t enough, Marvel + Netflix announce details of Cage’s...
Marvel releases a preview clip from tonight’s episode of
We’re almost there. Check out our review of Episode 1, Episode 2, Episode 3, Episode 4, Episode 5, Episode 6 and Episode 7. ⚠ SPOILERS...
Marvel + Netflix just had to give us a kind kick to the head reminder of how awesome 2016 is going to be releasing first look...