I mean we are not fans of smack talking Brits but we’ll make the exception for the somewhat unrefined, blaspheming, cigarette chain smoking Master of the...
Just when you thought things couldn’t get any weirder… better… better. Apparently the Tetris Company alongside Threshhold Entertainment are working to bring the classic 80’s...
Marvel recently released some pages of the first every issue of Thor as a woman. We see ‘Man’ Thor released from his once glorious title, and understandably,...
It seems even in the jet stream of Superman’s curtails coming at us in the cinemas via Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, we can’t get...
We’ve seen it. Man Of Steel. Producer said the film was to focus on the ‘Man’, rather than the ‘Super’. It was statements like this...
I personally remember reading my first graphic novel from the great Frank Miller, Sin City, A Dame To Kill For. A skilful display that can only...
TWD fans. Terminus is upon us. As you can tell, October is the season of sheer terror, including the recent info released from Telltale Games. And...
This is one thing Family Guy can say it’s done first. Or at least did it at the same time as their yellow cousins. The Simpsons...
There are numerous type faces that have gone the route of almost becoming archaic through constant usage. Caricatures of themselves so to speak. Trajan Pro for...
Playing Zombies online can be fun as it is frustrating. Moments of powering through waves and waves of flesh-eating, dirt-munching zombie monkey flesh… things. Then you...