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“Dying Light: The Beast” brings out the animal behind many an atrocity–The Baron–in new trailer

Meet the Baron.



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dying light: the beast, meet the baron, the action pixel, entertainment on tap, featured, dying light, kyle crane,

The time for civility is indubitably over when man has to make of himself a beast to survive the no-mans-land in the world Dying Light. And the Baron, much like a 2024 CEO or tech bro who are essentially eugenicists, sees themselves as the lynchpin of discovery, all at the expense of humanity. Small cost.

dying light: the beast, meet the baron, the action pixel, entertainment on tap, featured, dying light, kyle crane,

However, something tells us the Baron, the one responsible for all the horrible experimentations on Kyle Crane is about to get his comeuppance. However, the sea of undead and gruesome terrors swells. Making justice–and mere survival–a desperate and precarious thing to attain.

Description reads:

Meet the Baron, the man behind the experiments on Kyle Crane. He’s willing to do anything to pursue the greater good. Get to know him a little better by watching our newest Dying Light: The Beast trailer. Wishlist the game now to get ready to unleash the beast in summer 2025!

Watch the Dying Light: The Beast – Meet The Baron trailer in the player below:

Dying Light: The Beast is slated for release on Playstation 5, Xbox Series X/S and PC/Steam come Summer 2025

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