New details has been revealed about the role of Emilia Clarke in the new upcoming Marvel Studios’ Disney Plus series Secret Invasion. Much of the details about the Game Of Thrones-alum was kept under wraps until recent, with a Vanity Fair article revealing key details of her character and motivations in Secret Invasion.
Clarke’s character is described as a radicalised Skrull described as having “a kind of punk feeling that you get from this girl.”
Actor Olivia Colman role in the series has also been revealed. She plays a dubious, shady MI6 operative described as “coldblooded” who “relishes being that person”.
Secret Invasion producer Jonathan Schwartz says the Disney+ series takes inspiration from the Cold War espionage thrillers of John le Carré and TV shows like The Americans and Homeland. “There are people … you can only trust to a certain point.”
The article also revealed the trust in Jackson’s Nick Fury is at an all time low in the series. And with the world dealing with the shady business of shape-shifting Skrull – who are becoming tired of living as disguised humans and want to exist as they are in the promised homeland (Earth very likely).
To top things off, Fury refuses to call in the super-heroed reserves, which, Samuel L. Jackson reveals, is for a valid reason. A show of strength and soverreignty of decision free from superhero interference? Or maybe it has to do with using the Skrull to create a network of spies, and not delivering his promise of finding the Skrull a homeworld.
Nevertheless, Nick Fury will be the most vulnerable we have ever seen.
Check out the gallery of first look images from the series:
Marvel’s Secret Invasion is slated to premiere on Disney Plus come June 21, 2023
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