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‘Fortnite X Mayhem’ Announce Trailer brings the world of “Borderlands 3” to Battle Royale

Still Mayhem. Just more of it.



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fortnite x Mayhem, borderlands, borderlands 3,  let's make some mayhem, the action pixel, borderlands 3, announce trailer, fortnite, featured, fortnite x mayhem

Mayhem knows no bounds as the chaos of Borderlands 3 has seeped its way into Fortnite in a new crossover event – Fortnite X Mayhem.

And all Borderland fans will appreciate the Psycho bundle and more Borderland-themed goodies making their way into Fortnite.

Description reads:

Explore the new Pandora Rift Zone, become a little crazy with the Psycho Bundle in the Item Shop, or create some mayhem of your own with the new Pandora Prefab in Creative. Plus, new challenges with free rewards! #FortniteXMayhem

Watch the Fortnite X Mayhem Announce Trailer in the player below:

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