Just think how fucked up a deja vu Kara is having seeing the return of an all too familiar scourge of planetary doom make its way to Earth in the form of Braniac. Well, Injustice 2 delivers just that in the new Shattered Alliances Part 5 trailer (See Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4 if you’re not all caught up yet).
Brainiac has come to remedy the Kryptonian problem, and before you go celebrating, he kinda wants to add earth to his collection of planets. And seeing he’s one to ‘discard the remnants’… i.e. humans, you might want to cheer on Supes to win this particular encounter.
Description reads:
No remorse, no prisoners, no survivors… Brainiac has arrived.
Watch the Injustice 2 “Shattered Alliances Part 5” trailer in the player below:
Injustice 2 will release for PlayStation 4 + Xbox One in the U.S. on May 16th 2017 and in the UK on the May 19th 2017