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Friday The 13th: The Game announcement trailer



camp crystal lake friday the 13th. the action pixel. @theactionpixel. gun media

camp crystal lake friday the 13th. the action pixel. @theactionpixel. gun mediaWhat in the actual fuck!? No mother is supposed to call her son’s name in such a way that it sounds like your calling forth a legion of evil undead from their graves. But what do you expect if you are a mother that spawned an offspring like Jason Voorhees.

Voorhees may have made his video game debut this year over at Mortal Kombat X, but rest assured this new game Friday the 13th, Voorhees is going back to his roots and hunting grounds.

camp crystal lake friday the 13th. the action pixel. @theactionpixel. gun mediaA game coming to us via Gun Media is promising to remain true to the horror classic that put fear of God in us and abstaining from any form of pre-marital sex. Even if it was for a day and couple sleepless nights. The fact they would even reopen Camp Crystal Lake after what happened is beyond stupid. Not even a name change or anything. But horror wouldn’t be this much fun without some stupid people, right?

Description reads:

Jason is unleashed! Take part in the ultimate asymmetrical multiplayer horror game experience! 1 vs. 7 gameplay featuring Jason Voorhees against a group of teen counselors attempting to survive the night.

See the announcement trailer for Friday The 13th: The Game in the player below:


Also be sure to check out their Kickstarter page too.

Friday The 13th: The Game is currently in production and is slated to come out on the Playstation 4, Xbox One and Steam


Blogger, comic book and anime fan. FPS addict. All very convenient. Known to do storyboards and motion graphics when he's really busy.

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