Yet another fighter has entered the arena in Street Fighter V, this time (revealed earlier at the Games 15 event in Dubai [very subtle CAPCOM]) is Middle Eastern fighter Rashid.
Aparently he’s as much a lover of a good fight as he is a technophile, his addition to the Street Fighter V roster won’t go unnoticed.
Here’s more info on Rashid:
Joining the series from the Middle East, Rashid is an easy going and laid back character that has a very keen interest in technology and the latest gadgets on the market. His fighting style takes cues from parkour and he mixes it up with his unique ability to harness the power of wind. Always first in line to buy new tech, he uses these devices to research and create his fast-paced acrobatic moves, leaving his opponents in the dust and wondering what’s coming next.
See the Rashid Street Fighter V trailer in the player below:
Street Fighter V is slated for release exclusively on the Playstation 4 come Spring 2016