Nathan Fillion is one guy fans would love to see as a hero, but have been robbed off numerous chances. He was a fan favourite to play Green Lantern, and Star-Lord of Guardians Of The Galaxy. Okay so he did have a cameo in GOTG and voiced Green Lantern in numerous DC animations, but we’d love to see the Forefly actor in something live action.
Well Fillion has put forward an idea that has us giving the frowny-face nod of approval. Speaking at Wizard World Chicago answering a fan’s question on whether he would want to star in a DC or Marvel project, Fillion had this to say:
I think I could take a pretty good crack at Booster Gold. That’s kind of my niche – show-offy, vain. I think I could handle that – not too bright. I think Ambush Bug; little bit off his rocker. You never see my face. But I think Greatest American Hero is do for a reboot.
Fair enough, Fillion, we can surely get behind that. So Fillion for DC then?
Booster Gold in the DC Universe is a want-to-be hero who hails from the future. Not being successful in his time period, he travels back to the past to gain celebrity and fame using future technology and knowledge of the future. Which often doesn’t turn out well for him. But despite being a bit arrogant and ostentatious, he’s got a good heart and is a stand up type of guy and a great hero, when he’s not trying too hard that is. Modern interpretations of Booster Gold have him as a full-fledged hero, judged by his past showboating phase.