Ever since the trailer premiered for Batman V. Superman: Dawn Of Justice, there’s been some a lot of memes directed at the Dark Knight. So in a effort to put aside all the Lego Batman jokes, promo images of another one of Batman’s vehicles have took to the net- the Batwing. That honestly looks like something you would find in a LEGO set:
Not sure if all that empty between the front of the plane and the front front of the plain speaks to aerodynamic integrity, but hey, who are we to judge. If I had a degree in engineering I would be here typing this now would I?
Nevertheless, Snyder’s Batman definitely seems to have deeper pockets when it comes to securing space-age looking vehicles in dealing with earth’s ‘alien problem’.
If you have been living under a rock, check out the official trailer released by Snyder after being prematurely leaked on the internet:
BATMAN V SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE is in theaters March 25, 2016
“What do you guys think of the Batwing? Excited? Could use more, Batness for all you Adam West fans? Let us know in the comment section!”