Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End will see Nathan Drake waiting just a little while longer for his debut as Naughty Dog announces the game has its release date pushed back until Spring 2016.
Directors of Uncharted 4 Bruce Straley and Neil Druckmann had this to say about the decision:
After spending so many years with Nathan Drake, he means a lot to the team, and telling the climactic chapter of his adventures is a task we don’t take lightly — this game deserves every bit of the attention to detail, precise pacing, and nuanced storytelling Naughty Dog is known for. So we’ve made the difficult choice of pushing the game’s release date. Giving us a few extra months will make certain that Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End not only meets the team’s high standards, but the high standards that gamers have come to expect from a Naughty Dog title.
So while Naughty Dog dots their ‘i’s and crosses their ‘t’s, we’ll just have to put our Indiana Jone’s hats in the closet and tantalise ourselves with some Uncharted history.
See the gameplay trailer again in the player below to keep the ol’ interest battery going:
Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End is set to hit gaming shelves on a new date of Spring 2016