After taking in DC Comics animated feature Son of Batman, who truly lived up to the acronym S.O.B., us learning Batman had a ill-tempered, brash boy who’s grandfather is none other that Ras Al Ghul, would take a bit of getting used to. But having taken up the mantle of the Robin, Bruce’s illegitamate son Damian is going to need a lot more curbing in the coming animated film sequel Batman Vs. Robin.
Batman Vs. Robin is the 23rd DC Universe Original Movie is inspired by the graphic novel Batman: The Court of Owls, and sees a young defiant Damian rising against the uncompromising Dark Knight amidst crippling attacks from a mysterious society known as the “Court of Owls”. Let’s hope they can deal with their father / son issue before things get too out of hand.
Jason O’Mara, the Terra Nova star who also plays George Washington on History’s Sons of Liberty, is back as the voice as Batman. Stuart Allan, who appeared on TV’s Bad Teacher, and Sean Maher, who played Shrapnel on CW’s Arrow, are returning as Robin/Damian and Nightwing, respectively. Also coming back is David McCallum (NCIS), who portrays Alfred.
See the exclusive trailer for the Batman Vs. Robin animation in the player below: