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ABC’s “Agents Of SHIELD” reveals first look and poster of Ghost Rider



aos, agents of shield, season 4, marvel, abc, ghost rider, the action pixel, entertainment on tap,

Agents Of SHIELD new season is set to herald the arrival of the harbinger of hellish doom personified in the flaming skull-headed motorhead Ghost Rider.

Check out the first look and poster of the Marvel character making his way to the ABC tv series:

aos, agents of shield, season 4, marvel, abc, ghost rider, the action pixel, entertainment on tap,

aos, agents of shield, season 4, marvel, abc, ghost rider, the action pixel, entertainment on tap,

Ghost Rider is set to appear in the first episode this season and battle Quake in the second episode.

Agents of SHIELD Season 4 premieres September 20th, every Tuesday 10:00 PM ET.


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